
Outside Fun!

Last weekend was very busy! My Uncle Dano graduated from NDSU so we had a party for him at Grandma & Grandpa's house. It was super nice outside so I spent most of the day running around in the backyard, swinging on the swing, sitting on the step, picking pretty flowers (dandelions) with grandma, playing with everyone and eating lots of stuff I usually don't get to eat (unless mommy isn't looking). I played so hard I got my first blister on my toe from my sandals. It didn't bother me though, I kept on running and playing.

Sitting on the step all by myself-its just my size!
Swinging with Grandpa is so much fun!
Uncle Dano and his girlfriend Jess-mommy, grandma and I sure like when she comes over. It's so nice to have another girl around to talk to (& play with)!

Grandma, Uncle Dano, & Grandpa

Daddy, Uncle Dano, & Uncle Andrew. Mommy says they are harder to take pictures of than me and I can't sit still!


The Obsession begins...

Mommy and both of my grandma's always tell my grandpa's and my daddy how important it is to have a nice purse-it is an accessory that you wear every single day! Lately I've really been into purses or anything that resembles a purse. My favorite is Grandma Tammy's big heavy Coach purse-I know I'm still pretty little but mommy says it doesn't hurt to start young with daddy & both grandpa's. A big smile and a blink of the eyelashes will get me far with them :).