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I am a little more than 2 months old now! I have changed soooo much! I am growing out of my clothes, smiling, cooing, & giggling everyday. All you have to do is look at me and say something and I will smile and talk back to you. I love to tell people stories of how my day went. I started daycare last week when mommy had to go back to work. I LOVED it! My daycare can't believe how much I smile and talk. I get to see my friends Dillon and Allie at daycare everyday too which is a lot of fun. Daddy brings me to daycare every morning and mom says she can't wait until 4:00 when she gets to pick me up everyday-she says its the best part of her day!
A few weeks ago I was Baptized. My Uncle Dano is my Godfather. The Pastor poured water over my head while I smiled at my dad the whole time-I thought it was bathtime! I even got to wear my mommy's sweater, blanket, and booties that she wore when she was Baptized. Afterward we went to Grandma Tammy's house for brunch with all of my family that came to spend time with me on my special day.
My mommy says that I am real good sleeper. When I first came home from the hospital, I would wake up every 4-5 hours at night, eat, and then go right back to sleep. Now I am sleeping 6-8 hours at night which makes it a lot easier for mommy. My mommy says that I sleep like my daddy because I can sleep through anything! Most of the time daddy doesn't even hear me when I get up-only mommy does!
As soon as my belly button fell off, I got to take a bath in the big girl bathtub. Even though I'm not smiling in any of these pictures, I LOVED IT! It has a really cool frog thing so I do slip all over the place, some good smelly bubbly stuff and nice warm water. It was so relaxing, I almost fell asleep!
My favorite thing to do is snuggle! I could sleep for a long time if someone is snuggling with me-especially daddy! (he falls asleep just as fast as I do!) The first thing he does when he gets home from work everyday is pick me up and snuggle with me. Then, after I eat supper we both put our jammies on to snuggle and watch T.V. together.
Go Colts! Mom says I can only wear my colts jammies at home since there is no girl colors in them.

I love being at home! Grandma Barb was there when we got home and had our house nice and clean with lots of yummy food. After that a bunch of different people stopped by to meet me and bring me food and gifts-THANKS-I know my mom and dad really appreciated it! All I do really is eat, sleep and get my diaper changed but it is much quieter and cozier than that hospital room! I really sleep good when someone is holding me and snuggling!
After my birthday, mommy, me and daddy stayed at the hospital for a few days so the doctors could keep an eye on mommy and me. Daddy got to sleep in a fold out bed in our room (he wasn't very comfortable). We had lots of visitors during our stay at the hospital which made the time go by fast. We went home on January 16.
My mommy and daddy went into the hospital around 7:00 a.m. and around 5:00p.m. I still didn't want to come out so the doctor decided my mom had to have a c-section. At 6:03 p.m. I came out screaming at 8lbs. 13oz. 21 inches long .My face wash all squished from being stuck all day and I had lots of dark crazy hair-the doctor called it orangutang hair because it just sticks straight up!
Where's my mommy??!!
This is me in my mommy's tummy @ 22 weeks-I already had my daddy's profile in my ultrasound pictures! Little did they know that 19 weeks later I would be here!