I am becoming friends with so many people! We have been busy meeting lots of mommy's friends babies. We had a super fun time in Minneapolis at Sarah & Jenny's. Mommy's friend Mandie was up visiting from Austin Texas with her little boy Anderson (far right). I was soooo excited to see all of them and play with them. Since I have started babbling-it was great to have other babblers too-finally someone could understand what I was trying to say. Kaden and I had lots of converstations with each other-it was secret code though b/c everytime mommy or Sarah got their video camera out we stopped talking and got a little camera shy. Almost all of mommy's friends have had babies lately and there are 2 more on the way-I can't wait for next summer when our little group of 4 babies turns into 6 babies!
Sylvia (Jenny's baby), Kaden (Sarah's baby-he's going to be a big brother in September too), ME, & Anderson (Mandie's baby)
the gunman situation
10 years ago
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